

Page history last edited by Mrs. G 16 years, 2 months ago

Finding Out About Mercury 


Our first graders brainstormed resources we could use to find information about the planet Mercury.  The bigger the word, the more kids thought it was an important resource.   You can see lots of kids thought the MESSENGER probe was a good way for us to find out about Mercury. 


We have lots of questions that we're sending to a teacher who has been right at MESSENGER Mission Control in Baltimore: Gene Gordon.  Mr. Gordon is going to find out the answers for us!  Scroll down for our questions. 

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KC Blend Questions

Online video chat by Ustream


Questions for a NASA Fellow


See our Mercury MESSENGER VoiceThread


Miss W's 1st Grade

Oliver: What are those circles or dots on the pictures of Mercury?  (Like in THIS picture.)

Mary: Do you think any asteroids ever hit Mercury?

Jacob: When did MESSENGER leave Earth?

 Eloise:  How big is Mercury?

Mackenzie: How long did it take MESSENGER to get to Mercury?

Allison: Why is it named MESSENGER?

Leah:  How did the holes on Mercury get there?

Kim: How do the pictues get back to Earth?

MAcKenzie:  How did MESSENGER get into outer space?


Mrs. M's First Grade

Caleb:  Why does it look so grey?

Kylie:  Why is it so rocky?

Stephen:  Why does the planet have circles on the surface? (Like in THIS picture.)

Jordan: Why were there holes on Mercury?

Taylor: How big is Mercury?  Why is it that size?

Lauren:  Why is Mercury not pretty not Earth?  Why isn't it different colors?

Amelia: Why is Mercury so hot?

Chase: Why is Mercury so cold at night?

Mackenna: Why is Mercury so small?  (Jupiter is MUCH bigger!)

Ryan: Is there anything like people on Mercury?   Any aliens?

Brian: Is there any air to breathe on Mercury?

Madison: Why does Earth look so blue?

Joie:  How do they make sure MESSENGER gets to the right planet?

Ashtin: Why is it so colorful here, but not on Mercury?

Mike: ; How does the MESSENGER probe know where it's going?

Madison: How did MESSENGER get there?

Kylie: Did MESSENGER take pictures of Earth too?

Caleb and Ashtin and Kyle:   Why is Mercury so bumpy and rocky?

Brian:  Is MESSENGER going to land on Mercury?  I'm afraid it will fall in a crater.

Caleb:  Does the Earth have any grey on it like Mercury when you see it from space?

Joie: Is there any water there?


Lots of kids want to know: In some of the pictures, there were blue lines in the picture.  What are they?


Mrs. S's class


Sara:  Why did the probe visit Mercury?

noah:  How did Mercury form?  How did it get where it is?

Jadelynne:  How do you control the probe?  Is there a steering wheel?

Ashley:  Does the size of a planet ever change?

Mike & Eli: How did Mercury get there?  How did it form?

Noah:  How long did it take to make the oprobe, and how long to make the rocket?

Sara:  How did the spaceship get off the earth?

Sydney:  How many years did it take to get to Mercury?

Ashley: Can the planet ever break?

Hunter: Does Messenger have special equipment on it besides a camera?

Mike and Noah:  Are there volcanoes and lava on Mercury?

Jadelynne: If people go to Mercury , would they have to wear space suits?

Mackenzie:  Did the earth turn different colors or did it always look like it does now?

Noah and Mike:  how many planets have we sent probes to so far?

Logan:  how hot does the sun get?

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